That’s tonight’s agenda. I’m now entering the planning stage of my life. In the past, I’d just go to a bar and see what happened.

Tokyo Cafe is a little sushi place in Old Town Orange that Shellyeah and I like going to. Good, inexpensive, friendly. The Old Towne roll is the local favorite. We got there and discussed the implications of Google Glass and when the technology will advance to the point where we can send thoughts through the air.
“Hey man, I just iT’d you a millisecond ago.”
“Sorry, Glass was making recs for me”
That degenerated into what kind of flag are we going to put on our house to counter the republican flag that our neighbor across the street waves. (Literally, our neighbor has a republican flag outside the house). We figured, we like food, how about a flag of various foods. Sushi, pizza, corn dog, donut were all discussed. Sew them or silk screen them is now the question. Continue reading →